Can Dogs Eat Apples?

There are a number of “human” foods that I like to eat. But, to question at paw, can dogs eat apples?  I know that my humans are very conscious of the foods that they do feed me. Not wanting to give me too much or anything that may be harmful to me. My girl, in particular, is very careful and does a lot of research before she gives me “human” food. 

Are apples good for your doggy?  Well, for sure we can not eat the seeds! They contain cyanide, something that they often use in murder mysteries to kill people! That’s the kind of show my humans like, so I watch murder mysteries too. No seeds, what about the rest of the apple?

A Discussion on Whether Dogs Can Eat Apples

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There are a number of "human" foods that I like to eat. But, to question at paw, can dogs eat apples?  I know that my humans are very conscious of the foods that they do feed me. Not wanting to give me too much or anything that may be harmful to me. My girl, in particular, is very careful and does a lot of research before she gives me "human" food.  #joepawdog#bostonterriercommunity#bostonterriers#bostonterriersrock#bostonterrierlove#bostonterrierclub#bostonterriersrule#bostonterrieroverload

Arf! Hey new friend,

Pros of Feeding Apples to Your Dog

Dogs can eat lots of different types of food, such as sweet potatoes.  But, can they eat apples?  Well, yes dogs can eat apples. In moderation. Be sure to take into account the size of your dog when feeding them extra treats like apples. A 100lb dog will be able to eat more apple than an 8lb dog. 

Are apples actually good for us dogs? Now, this is the real question. I mean we dogs eat lots of things, and some of us will eat anything, whether good for use or not. Personally, I have mixed thoughts on the topic of apples for dogs. 

There are possible pros to the consumption of apples for me and my fellow dogs. For instance, apples contain a lot of vitamins A and C they also contain some calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin A helps with cell function and our immune system. Vitamin C, too, can boost our immune system and may even help to alleviate allergies. Calcium is helpful for building bones, heart function, muscle building, and hormone secretion.

Phosphorus is helpful for healthy kidney function and aids in the movement of muscles. 

Apples and other plant foods also contain a substance called polyphenols these can reduce the risk of cancer, reduce chronic inflammation, fight oxidative stress, help balance the gut, and detox the liver. Apples also contain some inulin which is a prebiotic that feeds the microbiome living in our gut. 

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Cons of Feeding Apples to Your Dog

So, those are the positives and they seem pretty great. However, here are a few things to ponder. First, we dogs are not able to get many nutrients from plant matter. We are not able to break plants, including apples, down as well as humans. In order for us to get much nutrients from plants, they need to be cooked or pureed. That is to say, they need to be partly broken down for us to even get the vitamins and things from apples. We dogs have a digestive system made to break down and use meat, not so much plants. 

Something else the consider is that we dogs do not need starches and sugars in our diet at all. Apples are fairly high in starch and sugar. Since we don’t need starch or sugar in our diet those just turn into fat on our bodies. 

So, the choice is yours. Apples have the potential to be healthful or damaging. In summary, a small amount of organic, cooked or purred apple now and then could be a helpful addition to the diet of us dogs. But too much starchy apple could be quite damaging, especially over time. Also, remember that if you feed the apple raw in a slice vs pureed or cooked a dog isn’t going to get much nutrients out of it, so why feed it?

Tell me, does your doggy love apples?

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