Can Dogs Eat Green String Beans? (The Answer!)

So you are at dinner, and Mom serves you green beans. You sneak some to your dog, and you wonder, can dogs eat green string beans? Well, if you have, you’re in luck! Because today, we’re talking all about whether or not dogs can eat these green veggies. And the answer is: yes, dogs can eat green string beans. In fact, they can be a healthy and tasty treat for your pooch. Green beans are a low calorie, low fat, and low carbohydrate snack that can be a great addition to your dog’s diet. They’re also high in fiber, which can help keep your dog’s digestive system running smoothly.

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Are Carrots Good for Dogs to Eat?

I bought some carrots the other day … and I wondered, are carrots good for dogs to eat? You too may be wondering if carrots are a healthy and safe option for your furry friend. After all, carrots are a nutritious and low-calorie snack for humans, but are they good for dogs to eat as … Read more

What are probiotics for Dogs?

Ah, one of my favorite topics: probiotics! Why do I love probiotics so much? What are they and what do they do for us dog? I shall do my best to answer these questions. What do Probiotics do? Let’s start at the beginning. We, dogs and humans alike, are covered inside and out with what … Read more

Super Cool Ideas for Dog Halloween Costumes

Here are some cute ideas for dog Halloween costumes that you can still order from Amazon – just in time for trick or treating! Dressing up isn’t just for you humans, we dogs love to participate in the Howl-o-week fun too.  (Just don’t give us any chocolate, okay!)  Or, just dress up any day, any … Read more

Grounds and Hounds Coffee Review + Coupon Discount Promo Code 15% Off!

Happy National Coffee Day, everypawdy! Today, I have a public service announcement: Hounds and Grounds go together like peas and carrots.  The super cool peeps at Grounds and Hounds reached out to me to do a cute Instagram post, and the MOM (“Media Online Manager”) decided to do up a Grounds and Hounds Coffee Review … Read more